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Get in Touch with Studio 708

Contact Us

Looking for a full pricing guide or just more information? Please send us an email in the contact form below. All emails will be responded to within 24 hours if received during the week, otherwise messages received on the weekends will be responded to on Monday. If you need to reach us sooner, please feel free to call. If you do not receive a response back within 24-48 hours, please check your spam folder, or give us a call. We do respond to each and every inquiry and sometimes they end up in spam folders. You can also add us to your address book with the email address info@studio708oshkosh.com. 


Can't wait to hear from you! 


Tim and Katy



708 Oregon St.

Oshkosh, WI 54902

Phone: (920) 252-2894
Our studio is by appointment only, currently. You can reach us Monday- Friday from 9am-4pm by phone, or anytime via email. Calling is encouraged. Looking for pricing? Please head to the "Pricing" tab for all available pricing information. Detailed pricing will be given during consultations as well.  All emails received on the weekends will be responded to on Mondays. 


Please submit the following form and please double check your email:) We would love to hear from you!