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Real estate Listing Photos and Business Portraits

Business portrait information and pricing and real estate listing photo pricing information.

Business Portraits


Studio708 offers commercial business portraits for individuals or companies. Our business portraits can be used for business cards, billboards, websites and brochures and any printed materials. Includes the initial session (typically 10 minutes long), one backdrop, 1 outfit and 2 fully retouched images delivered within 24-72 hours.

1-3 people- $250 per individual

 4-7 people- $175 per individual

8+ people- $150 per individual (same day session only)

 Volume discounts apply to regular business portrait customers and businesses. Please contact us at info@studio708oshkosh.com for a quote! 


Real Estate photography Investment

In the competitive arena of real estate sales, it is imperative that realtors leverage multiple tools available on the web to get their listings noticed. Be it a buyers market or sellers, you need to get potential buyers to come in for a viewing, and our photos can help.

• We provide digital delivery of your photographs, already formatted for loading into the MLS, within 24 hours of the listing shoot!

• We provide your high-resolution photographs in an easy to use web inventory system for download by your print marketing vendors within 24 hours of the shoot!


Pricing is based on the size of the home.

Up to 2700 sq ft = $160

2800-4000 sq ft = $180

4000 sq ft and up = Starting at $225-Please ask for a more detailed quote for larger properties

Virtual Staging- $15 per image

*Large item removal (digital) available- Please ask for quote

* Additional $0.55 per mile outside of Winnebago County




All packages include 15-50 Photos depending on the size of the home.

Digital Files will be uploaded to Pixieset for download.

